
Welcome to French References, where you will find a collection of links to useful French online resources as well as other information for French students and teachers.

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French Pronunciation/Phonetics Websites

  • The website Phonétique offers pronunciation clips and listening exercises to help learners learn more about French vowels, semi-vowels, consonants, syllables, intonation, and more.
  • I first discovered the clips below on YouTube but please visit the original source, Imagiers.net, for the best and most complete collection of pronunciation clips.


Below are links to clips on YouTube that demonstrate the pronunciations of some French sounds. Words appear on the screen one by one and are pronounced by a (presumably) French male. Although these clips are useful for those who wish to work on their pronunciation through careful listening and imitation as well as by creating mental associations between letters and sounds, be warned that the collection is not complete and that the titles of the clips can be a bit confusing for three reasons:

  1. Most of the time the titles refer to the pronunciation of certain spellings (e.g.: oi, as in bois) but sometimes they refer to sounds which can be spelled in different ways (e.g.: wa, as in bois and aquarium).
  2. The way the sounds are grouped is inconsistent: again, sometimes by spelling (ex: oi, ou, on) and sometimes by sound (e.g. en, an).
  3. Some titles are incomplete or misleading (e.g. the clip originally titled "le son o.") Furthermore, a few words in the clips are misspelled.

However, I have retitled the clips here to render them more useful to learners and provided IPA symbols where appropriate. Clips are grouped into vowel and consonant types.

Nasal Vowels:
Consonant clusters:
Silent consonants:
Plosive consonants:

Fricative consonants:

Other (awkwardly grouped):


Anonymous said...

C'est très gentil de me citer.
Je vous rends la politesse en vous citant également.
Freddy De Pues
Professeur honoraire

Anonymous said...

frenchreferences.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.